I often think about what kind of qualities a scientist
should have. I think a scientist should be curious, adventurous (science-wise,
not necessarily bungee-jump-wise) and inventive. But lately, it also seems like
an important part is to be resilient to stress about having an insecure job. As I said before, whether or not I will have the position I want in the
homecountry depends on whether I get a grant (any grant) before next year when
we are moving back. This type of insecurity, that I know almost every scientist
faces, does not make me work better. To be honest, it stresses me to the point
that when I have to write a grant, I can’t because I keep thinking: ‘this has
to be awesome, or else’. I think some people excel under pressure, but I’m
currently not one of those.
You have to understand that I was raised in a country
that has a lot of social security. Everybody has healthcare - and with that I
mean real healthcare, not the one where you have to co-pay 20%, leaving you
bankrupt after an expensive procedure – and it’s a lot harder for employers to
fire people with a contract than in the US. Deep down, I did not envision being
older than 30, not knowing where I would work next year or whether I would be
able to afford a house.
You also have to understand that wanting to get a grant
funded to secure a position seems to be my type of nesting. Being pregnant has
amplified these feelings enormously, because I seem to want to imagine what
life will look like when this prospective baby is born, and moving countries
when he or she is only 5 or 6 months does not really help in this process.
It would help if Dr. BrownEyes would have be a
millionaire, or at least have a job that we would know he could keep and that
would bring in money, but he doesn’t, because he’s also a scientist. This is
great, and his enthusiasm for science is one of the things I like about him,
but it doesn’t help in my anxiety about getting a job.
So does this make me a bad scientist? It did for a while,
because I really felt like a deer in the headlights trying to write grants and
papers, but now that I know that I can at least get bread on the table doing another post-doc that gives me some room to breathe, and to be good and
creative while writing grants again. But why aren’t there more scientist-jobs
for people who don’t love insecurity about grants and their future (and the
future of those in their labs)??